Bay 1933-1997

Labels Page 2
1962 - 1997

bay Labels 1962 – 1966

A label with a more simple crown and the text "Bay Keramik" in a thin font is found on ceramics with the decor Ravenna by Bodo Mans which dates when this label began to be used to 1961-1962. There is very little information about when this label stopped to be used. The decor "Saale" is dated to 1966 and is found with this label. The label was used at least until 1966 if this dating is correct.

The label comes in two colours, silver & black and gold & black. There is also a version with the additional text "HANDGEMALT".

There is also a label "BAY contura" from this time period. It is a series of ceramics and the label can be found on many different forms and decors. The exact years for this label is not known.  It can be found with the decor "Juwel from 1965. One vase was also marked with the year "1970". The label is also known from ceramics with all three base marks that were used around 1965 -1970  so it was probably used a couple of years.

Timeline - Labels


ca.1962 - ca.1966
Simplified crown
Thin font with no loops

Silver & Black


Silver & Black

Gold & Black


Gold & Black

Bay 240 14 with label.

BAY contura
ca.1965 - ca.1970
Purple,  White & Grey

Bay 299-30 with label "BAY Contura". Decor "Juwel from 1965.

bay Labels 1967 – 1972

The last generation of the "crown-labels" is a very simple crown in a graphic style. The label comes in two versions, one with the text "BAY" and one formed like a "red vax seal" with the text "BAY original design". The "BAY " label comes in two colours, silver & black and gold & black. The "red vax seal" label comes in three colours, red & black, silver-gray & red and gold & red. These two versions was probably used during the same time. The labels are very common on a  large variety of different forms and at least six different base marks can be found with the labels.

The ”TÖPFERMEISTER KOLLEKTION * " is a loose paper label attached with a thread to the ”Red wax seal”. It can also be rarely found attached with the latter "BAY* KERAMIK" label. The Töpfermeister series was used ca. 1969-1973. Since it can be found with the latter "BAY*KERAMIK" label it is likely that the last "BAY crown" label was used until ca. 1972.

The Bay horse is only known with the "Bay" label and one example from my collection is marked "christmas 1972". This is also an indication that the "BAY" label was used at least until 1972.

A label with the text " * top pr.eis ceramic" was also used during this period.
There is no information about when the * top pr.eis ceramic" label was used but based on the base marks it comes with and the use of the "star" indicates that it was used ca.1967-1973.

Both the "Töpfermeister" label and the  "top pr. eis ceramic" label uses a symbol of a flower or a star along with the text. The same symbol is used on the latter "BAY * KERAMIK" label.


Bay 71 17 with the labels "TÖPFERMEISTER KOLLECTION * "
"BAY original design".
Ca. 1969-1972.

Bay 63 25 with the labels "TÖPFERMEISTER
Ca. 1973.

Bay Horse with label.

Bay Horse

Bay Horse marked "christmas 1972".

ca.1967 - ca.1972
Graphic crown

Silver & Black

Gold & Black

Bay 244 12 with label.

original design

ca.1967 - ca.1972
Graphic crown
”Red wax seal”

Silver-gray & Red

Red & Black

Gold & Red

Bay 630 35 with label.


ca. 1967 - ca.  1973
A loose paper label attached with a thread to the ”Red wax seal” or the "BAY* KERAMIK" label.

Front: Text in German

Back: Text in English

When the label is attached with the "Red wax seal" label, the piece is from
ca. 1969 - ca.1972

* top
pr.eis ceramic

ca.1967 - ca. 1973
Orange, Black & White

Bay 82 12

bay Labels 1973 - 1997

The last label Bay used has the text BAY KERAMIK with a small symbol of a star or a flower. It comes in two sizes and three colours, white & black with black frame, white & black with silver frame and white & black with gold frame. There is also one version with the text "handgemalt in white & black with no frame.

These labels were used to the end of the production of art ceramics. Bay Keramik ended in 1997 when new owners took over the brand and renamed the company to "Römertopf Keramik GmbH". It is not known exact when Bay stopped producing art ceramics. More modern vases with the base mark "GERMANY indicate that art ceramics was produced after the reunion of West- and East Germany 1990. These ceramics are very rare so the production of art ceramics probably stopped in the early 90s.

There is also a version of the label with the text "handgemalt in white & black with no frame. This label comes with more modern vases with base marks that indicate that it is from ca. 1979 - ca. 1989.

Table wares, and very rare vases, can be found with a version of this label with the text "free of lead dish washer resistent" in several languages. It is possible that this label was used until the end of the comapany 1997.

Bay 483 25

Base mark GERMANY.
Note: Wide "Y".

Label on the vase 483 25


ca.1973 - 1997

White & Black
Black frame

White & Black
Silver frame

White & Black
Gold frame

Bay 96 17 with label.


ca. 1969 - ca. 1973
A loose paper label attached with a thread to the ”Red wax seal” or the "BAY* KERAMIK" label.

Front: Text in German

Back: Text in English

When the label is attached with the "BAY* KERAMIK" label, the piece is from
ca. 1973.


ca.1979 - ca.1989

Bay 710 20

Base mark.
Note: Wide "Y".


(in german, english, swedish, french
and spanish)
ca.1973 - ca.1997
Label for table wares.

Table ware.