Scheurich & Greulich 1948-1953
Scheurich 1954-Present

Clay & Form numbers

Scheurich & Greulich and Scheurich used an off white clay. Pieces from the late 70s and the 80s a can sometimes have a light brown clay.

Scheurich & Greulich and Scheurich used a three digits long form number followed by the size in cm. Some forms have the size in cm with one decimal ( ,5). Some pieces have only a form number.

Scheurich & Greulich
Off white clay

The form number is 201 and the height is 11 cm.

Scheurich & Greulich
Off white clay

The form number is 221.

Off white clay

The form number is 520 and the height is 22 cm.

Light brown clay

The form number is 497 and the height is 18 cm.

Scheurich reused form numbers. Scheurich made often small changes in the form but continued to use the same form number. This was common during the late 50s to the early 70s and many forms can be found in three generations. Some form numbers was also reused for complete new designs.

Scheurich 275 28
Late 50s.
"First generation"

Scheurich 275 20
Early 60s.
"Second generation"

Scheurich 275 20
Late 60s.
"Third generation"

Scheurich 203 26
This piece ca. 1963 - ca. 1965

Scheurich 203 26
This piece ca. 1970 - ca. 1979
Same form number 203 but a complete new design.