Carstens Tönnieshof 1946-1977 (1984)

Labels Page 2
Carstens series labels 1960 - 1977

Carstens also used labels for different series:

Mode Chic ca. 1960 - ca.1961
Carstens Atelier 1962 - ca.1977
Carstens Luxus 1967 - early 70s
Carstens Boutique 1967 - early 70s
Carstens Europa 1967 - early 70s
Carstens Töpferei ca. 1975 - 1977

Timeline - Labels

Mode Chic ca.1960- ca.1961

Mode Chic is the first known series from Carstens Tönnieshof.  The label is known in two versions, one with the number 61 (probably the year 61) and one label without a number/year.  Both labels have the text "Mode Chic Carstens W-GERMANY". These labels can be found on items that was introduced 1960. The years this label was used was therefor probably 1960-1961. 


Black & White

Carstens Tönnieshof 626 26 with label

Carstens Atelier 1962- ca.1977

The Atelier series was first introduced 1962.  In the beginning it represented a limited high quality range but was later on used on more standard ceramics.  The Atelier series label is known in three different versions and in at least two generations. The first generation is a square shaped label with the text "CARSTENS ATELIER". The font is inspiered of  the Jugend/Art Nouveau art style and the colour is off-white with brown text. This label commes in two versions. One is a loose paper label attached with a thread to a  small rectangular label with a geometric pattern.  This label is very rare today, probably because people often removed  the loose label from the ceramics in combination that it was only used on a limited number of ceramics. The other version is as an ordninary sticker. This label is more common and is often found on ceramics from the mid 60s/early 70s.  It  is possible that the loose paper label represent a first generation and the sticker a second generation.

A wide, narrow label is a second (or third) generation of the Atelier labels.  The label has the geometric pattern together with the text. It is common on a series of brown/earth coloured glased items that seems to be very late, probably mid 70s. The series name "CARSTENS ATELIER" was also used as a base mark, most likely also in the mid 70s. It is likely that Carstens continued to use the Atelier series name and the label until the company ceased 1977.

Carstens Atelier label. The label is a loose paper label attached with a thread to a  small rectangular label with a geometric pattern. Both The Atelier, Luxus and the Boutique series had the same type of label.

Carstens Tönnieshof
0870 30.

This type of ceramics is very late, probably mid 70s-1977. 

1962 - early 70s?
Off-White & Dark Brown

label. The label is a loose paper label attached with a thread to a  small rectangular label with a geometric pattern.

Carstens Tönnieshof 0870 30 with Carstens Atelier label

1962? - early 70s
Off-White & Dark Brown

Carstens Tönnieshof 0078 13 with Carstens Atelier label

Early 70s- ca.1977
Off-White & Dark Brown

Carstens Tönnieshof vase with Carstens Atelier label. Unmarked.

Carstens luxus 1967 - early 70s

Carstens Luxus series was introduced 1967. The series was probably also a high quality range of ceramics. It is not known how Carstens distinguished between this and the Atelier and the Boutique series since it apperas that all these series were produced at the same time.

 Carstens Luxus  is only known as a loose paper label attached with a thread to a  small rectangular label with a geometric pattern.  It has the same colours as the Atelier label, off-white with brown text. The font is also the same as on the Atelier and the Boutique series. The label is rare but is more common than the loose paper labels of the Atelier and the Boutique series. It is not known how many years the label was used but it can be found on ceramics that must be from the end of the 60s and early 70s.

Carstens 7934 22 from the Luxus series.

1967 - early70s
Off-White & Dark Brown

CARSTENS LUXUS label. The label is a loose paper label attached with a thread to a  small rectangular label with a geometric pattern.

Carstens Tönnieshof  0104 15 with Carstens Luxus label.

Carstens BOUTIQUE 1967 - early 70s

Carstens Boutique series was introduced 1967. The series seems to be a very limited high quality range of ceramics. The letter "B" was also used in the base mark for some of the ceramics in this series. 

Carstens Boutique  is also only known as a loose paper label attached with a thread to a  small rectangular label with a geometric pattern.  The font is the same as on the Atelier and the Luxus series but the colour is silver with blue text. The label is very rare. It is not known how many years the label was used but it was probably used to the end of the 60s and maybe into the early 70s.

Carstens Tönnieshof
B 36 10 from the Boutique series. 

Carstens Tönnieshof  B 93 36 from the Boutique series.
This is a bottle with a cat head stopper.

ca.1967 - early 70s
Silver & Blue

CARSTENS BOUTIQUE label. The label is a loose paper label attached with a thread to a  small rectangular label with a geometric pattern.

Carstens Tönnieshof
B. 48 12 with label. This ceramic box/bowl has a glass lid.

Base mark B. 48 12.

Carstens EUROPA 1967 - early 70s

Carstens Europa series was introduced 1967. It is not known how many years the series was in production but probably to the early 70s. Simple forms with moulded geometric patterns are typical for this series.  The series was probably inspiered by ancient European cultures. Early forms with the base mark "E." can be found with the "world map label".  Other forms without the base mark "E." can be found with the label "EUROPA W.-GERMANY. This label comes in two colours, silver & black and Gold & black. It is not known if the "world map" label and the EUROPA label was used at the same time or if the EUROPA label is later than the "world map" label.


Carstens Tönnieshof 7404 20 with label.


1967 - early 70s

Silver & Black

Gold & Black

Carstens  Tönnieshof 7194 25 with label.

Carstens "world map" label that can be found on pieces with base mark "E.".
Gold & Blue

Carstens TÖPFEREI ca.1975 - 1977

Carstens Töpferei is the last series of the company. The starting year is unknown but it was probably produced from the mid 70s until the company  ceased 1977. Pieces with the CARSTENS TÖPFEREI base mark can be found with labels of the KIEL company that took over after the bancruptcy 1977. I have found one vase that has both the CARSTENS TÖPFEREI label together with the Carstens label used ca. 1970- ca. 1975.  Since this is very rare, I guess it was produced close to 1975.  Caracteristic of this series is that most of the ceramics were unmarked.

Carstens Töpferei base mark.

ca.1975 - 1977
Grey & Black

Carstens Tönnieshof vase from the Töpferei series. Unmarked.

Base of  the vase.
The vase has the Töpferei label together with the ordinary Carstens label used 1970?-1975?